Member Benefits

Member Benefits are...

As a Main or Sub-contractor, Building material supplier, Speciality trade contractor, main contractor and emerging contractor you have a home at Master Builders Association.

The Master Builders Association North, with 115 years of experience in the building industry, offers membership that allows you to actively shape industry legislation as part of the Association. By joining, you contribute to a collective voice that can influence legislation, ensuring your opinions are heard.

Members adhere to a Code of Conduct, emphasizing good workmanship and compliance with Construction Regulations. This commitment provides customers with peace of mind when choosing an MBA North member for their projects.

MBA North effectively markets the association to various target markets, including architectural professionals, developers, and homeowners.

As a member, you gain access to a range of services that support your continuous development. These services include education, information, networking opportunities, and strategic partnerships. With over 600 members, the association offers a diverse professional network. Regional and provincial events, as well as online resources, provide unparalleled networking and business opportunities, access to employers, industry advice, ongoing learning, and high-quality speakers.

By joining MBA North, you position yourself within a mutually beneficial networking space that fosters business opportunities among members.

As a member, you’re given access to the following services:

Free services for Members

Discounted benefits

All members are given an audit of their legal policies as well as one hour of consultation free. Thereafter our consultation fees for members are at 50% less than market prices.

  • Assistance on legal, contractual and Human Resource issues
  • Assistance with Alternate dispute resolution mechanisms
  • Drafting of and training on industry related contracts
  • Assistance with mediation arbitration
  • Sale of JBCC and Master Builders Contracts

Our qualified Health & Safety Manager & Officers give all members a free once-off CHS Consultation. Thereafter services are available to members at 40% less than market prices.

  • Benchmarking through regional & national CHS Audits
  • Site Audits & 5 star grading
  • Risk Assessments
  • Incident investigations
  • Development & implementation of site specific Health & Safety Files

We identify the training gaps in companies and fill these gaps by providing or sourcing training.

  • BB-BEE Certificate and Consulting
  • Education, Training &Transformation Consulting
  • Employment Equity reporting assistance
  • Work Skills Plan (WSP) and Annual Training Report (ATR) submissions
  • Sector Education & Training Authority (SETA) Liaison
  • Training and Workshops
  • Annual Directory Advertising (Print)
  • Website advertising
  • Monthly newsletter features and advertising
  • Webinars
  • Event Sponsorship opportunities

Are you aware that MBA North is involved with the Building and Construction Industry Medical Aid? Members of staff serve as trustees along with other employer and employee representatives.

If you need an Industry focussed Medical Aid, please contact the MBA North Office or BCIMA directly

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MBA North Celebrating 120 years


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