WSP and ATR Submission is 30 March 2019!

The season for the submission of WSP/ATR is upon us! Your association is here to assist you through this process.

What is WSP/ATR?

The Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) is a report that documents the skills development needs of your organisation and sets out how they will be addressed.

The Annual Training Report (ATR) shows the record of skills development activities implemented in the previous year. It is used to measure effectiveness of past training and is used as a basis for future planning.

These two reports should be submitted to the Construction Education and Training Authority (CETA) every year.

What are the benefits of submitting WSP/ATR?

Submission of WSP/ATR opens doors to a variety of benefits for your organisation including:

Refund of 20% of your Skills Development levy paid to SARS. This is known as the mandatory grant and the CETA will refund it to you upon a successful WSP/ATR submission.

Access to CETA training funding. The CETA will provide funding for any training programmes you implement. These funds are known as the discretionary grants and having access to these funds means you will not have to fund training from your budget.

The submission of WSP/ATR forms the basis for the BBBEE skills development element.

Without a valid WSP/ATR an organisation will not qualify for the 25 BBBEE skills development points.

Needs analysis and skills auditing forms part of the WSP/ATR process and ensures that training in your organisation targets the correct competencies, the right employees and addresses your business needs.

Immediate steps

For assistance with your submission please contact us on the email addresses below.

Sheilla on OR Brian on

Please note: the WSP/ATR process will not interfere with the running of your business nor does it require time off from your core business.

Contact Sheilla Mofokeng
on 011 805 6611

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