
Profile – Riteside Projects

“Rite” Now, Not Tomorrow or Later, Is The “Rite” Time To Join Master Builders Association North, And More So To Participate Fully In The Substantial Services And Opportunities The MBA North Offers. It Will Benefit Your Business Dramatically!

Profile – Jerry Thulo – MBA North Member Gauteng

Jerry Thulo of Riteside Projects is now an avid participant in all that the Master Builders Association offers, having been aware of the Master Builders he only joined as a member in 2015. In January 2017 on a New Year’s resolution, he stopped off at the MBA North in Midrand and walked through its doors and things began to change. He never anticipated the friendly welcome, easily accessible on hand expertise, the development and even the work opportunities for his company that his participation would bring.

He doesn’t quite understand why it took him so long to make the leap, but now fully realises it was time wasted while Riteside faced daily challenges – that could have been resolved through the training, affordable independent professional advice and access to experienced contractors with work opportunities.

‘The MBA North door is always open – they have an open-door policy. The services – training, networking and problem-solving – offered to builders of every size – are especially boosting for new builders and emerging companies. And it is all-encompassing – and immediately accessible. Courses and workshops are ongoing and an expert in whatever challenge you face is there to answer your call at any time night and day freely for members. They even come to your sites to provide training of your staff’, says Jerry.

Jerry has built up a wealth of experience since he qualified in Project Management, Business and Marketing in 2002. After a 4-year stint operating as a building contractor in Pietermaritzburg, he had a stunning 4-year contract working as a project manager in 30 countries with Royal Caribbean out of Miami USA. Returning to his Gauteng roots, in 2013 he and Conelius Kagoro formed Riteside Projects, a 100% black owned and managed full-service Construction Company ( Providing a comprehensive service on several projects brings its daily challenges and problems as we all know – marketing, contractual, employment, health and safety, legal, etc. Dealing with these challenges on their own (the Riteside team), they often got the wrong information or the right information but very expensively. Still, Jerry had no inkling of how widely and quickly their every need would be addressed and continues to be addressed by properly using their membership of the MBA North.

The MBA North receptionist, Sheila, welcomed Jerry with a wealth of information and encouragement, and at a convivial event 3 days later, he introduced himself to a host of people from all aspects of not just the association but wider industry. Amazingly it led to immediate work opportunities too. As the MBA North Executive Director, Mohau Mphomela, always punts, being a member of the MBA should not be like joining a gym and then leaving your card in your pocket, you must become active: sharing challenges and expressing expectations and how you perceive the MBA North can help you. Jerry keenly signed up for the MBA North Small Builders Development Course and found out anew that there is so much more still to learn. He says that the presentations and interactions were exceptional for everyone in Construction, even foremen and managers from large established firms. The 14-week Saturday morning course was comprehensively informative about every aspect of the day-to-day and long term running and developing a Building and Civil business which has helped Riteside enormously and continues to do so. A solution is only a call away now. More work has also come in. They are now participating in a new MBA North Emerging Contractors forum with 4 other entities, and it is open to more joining.

Riteside is currently much busier, but that only encourages Jerry to participate more and more in the events, courses and forums that the MBA North programmes – these can be found on the MBA North’s website and are regularly emailed to members as well! Riteside offers the full range of building and civil services including project management. Jerry will welcome your call on 082 687 7089 or at to discuss your project needs to fulfillment, click here for the Riteside profile.

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