Prepare your Construction site to open at level 3 with the essential MBA North Workplace Readiness Plan and Health & Safety file

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]Covidvirus be safe

Is your management team ready to ensure total implementation and best practice of OHS programs in line with COVID-19 requirements?

MBA North Health & Safety Specialists provide professional support to you while you operate during the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic to:

  • ensure they you are protecting your workforce and minimising the risk of spread of the infection.
  • Maintain a safe and healthy working environment for employees and members of the public,
  • assess the workplace risks posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and give due consideration to the response measures.


The COVID-19 H&S Compliance file to assist contractors returning to work. The COVID-19 H&S file addresses both Legal aspects and best practice for the prevention of COVID-19 infections.


  • The cost of the H&S File for Members: (R 2 120.00) includes 1 hour’s implementation.
  • An hourly rate of R 640.00 will be charged for work exceeding the first hour.
  • Costs are generated at an hourly rate for on-site work. For additional work, an hourly rate is quoted.
  • Cost for accommodation is for the Clients account should there be a need for the CHS Officer to stay over at a guesthouse. As a minimum requirement, provision for 3-star facilities is essential.
  • Travel costs are calculated from the MBA North Offices in Midrand, Johannesburg, Gauteng.

Contact Amisha Chunderduth: today[/vc_column_text][button size=”medium_rd_bt” use_icon=”yes” icon_type=”bt_icon_border” t_color=”#ffffff” b_color=”#ec3525″ t_hover_color=”#ffffff” b_hover_color=”#dd0000″ url=”” ml=”10″ mr=”10″ mt=”8″ mb=”15″ icon=”imf-file-pdf”]Download more information (PDF)[/button][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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