Feedback Report From A Study ‘Health And Safety (H&S) Documentation In Construction

The Executive Summary below was taken from a report ‘’Health And Safety (H&S) Documentation In Construction’’ from a study done by PROFESSOR JJ Smallwood (Department of Construction Management Nelson Mandela University) and Deon Bester (Master Builders Association Western Cape) on 09 April 2018.


In addition to a range of H&S documentation, a range of actions, beliefs, interventions, practices, and states are important in terms of achieving optimum construction H&S.

Conclusions include that H&S documentation facilitates and assists planning, organising, leading, controlling, and coordinating H&S. Furthermore, current H&S documentation: is inappropriate in that it can be complex, generic, lengthy, onerous, repetitive (duplicative), and vague; engenders dubious practices; generally, ‘does not add the potential value’; shifts the focus from the physical process and could be improved.

Recommendations include: industry associations should review their ‘audit system’ to interrogate the allocation of points; H&S documents must reflect the intention of the requirement; the synergy between H&S documentation, and actions, interventions, and practices should be investigated, digested, and focused upon, and ‘audits’, or rather inspections, should focus more on the physical process, actions, interventions, and practices, than documentation.’’ See the full report

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